Sunday 18 March 2012

One dog, two dog, three dog, too many...

Today is a good day. Took all three dumb asses out for a walk. That was fun....a little trying but we got it done. Eating pretty good today. We went to the ABC for their breakfast buffet and I made good choices.  With bacon on the side...I love bacon, I can't leave bacon. Bacon is...well it's bacon. 'nuff said.

But instead of having a Las Vegas sized portion, I just had 3 pieces. And ate them really slow. Like, just wrong slow. Anyway....

Stopped at the shoe store and picked up a really cute pair of red swede boots for Kendra as well as a  Vanzieland hand bag. for $25!!!

Things are quiet now, winding down for the day, I think I'll dig out my "yoga for morons" and do a little stretching tonight while watching the good wife.

I'm going to call it a night now and I will post in a couple days.

Remember to keep moving!

Happy Spring break to you all!!

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